sex positive

Babygirl – A Thought-Provoking Look at Kink, Shame, and Desire

Sharing sexual fantasies with your partner can feel like one of the most vulnerable conversations you’ll ever have. After all, these are deeply personal, intimate desires that you might not even have fully accepted yourself. It’s no wonder that many of us struggle to open up about them. But when done thoughtfully, sharing your fantasies can create a deeper connection, foster intimacy, and even make your relationship more fun and exciting.

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How to Tell Your Partner What You’re Really Into… (Even If It’s Super Scary)

Sharing sexual fantasies with your partner can feel like one of the most vulnerable conversations you’ll ever have. After all, these are deeply personal, intimate desires that you might not even have fully accepted yourself. It’s no wonder that many of us struggle to open up about them. But when done thoughtfully, sharing your fantasies can create a deeper connection, foster intimacy, and even make your relationship more fun and exciting.

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How do I feel less shame about my fantasies?

Have you ever had a fantasy you couldn’t stop thinking about—but felt too embarrassed or ashamed to even admit it to yourself? If so, you’re not alone. Shame around sexual fantasies is incredibly common, thanks to societal taboos, fear of judgment, and the internalized belief that our fantasies say something negative about who we are.

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Are Open Relationships Less Committed?

One of the biggest misconceptions about open relationships is that they aren’t as committed as their monogamous counterparts. This is because people tend to confuse “commitment” and “monogamy.”

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What is “kinky” anyway?

I recently learned a framework in my studies that really challenged the way I feel about kink, and what is considered to be “kinky.” This framework is called the 3 Dimensions of Sex, and it basically tells us that there are 3 distinct types of sex that humans enjoy. All of which are common, healthy and as normal as one another. The 3 dimensions are Partner Engagement, Trance and Roleplay.

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You’re so perfect, I’m so proud of you! (did I just turn you on?)

You are such a good girl / boy. Well done for clicking on this writing. I’m so proud of you for being curious, and wanting to learn more about this kink! 😛

Praise kink has been blowing up on TikTok lately… and before you roll your eyes, I actually think it is great whenever kink is being shared in a positive way on mainstream social media!

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Collar me, own me

Collars carry a lot of meaning within the BDSM community, and are extremely popular kinky items! So why is that? Why are so many people into the idea of being collared and ‘owned?’ Why are so many others into the idea of ‘owning’ someone else? Particularly if that person is a beloved partner?

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Backstage: My biggest free use fantasy (episode #25)

Let me tell you about my biggest Free Use Fantasy! This one involves having a weekend away with a group of consenting kinksters, to indulge in a free-use weekend – where everyone is available for the taking. This video is in addition to episode #25 of my podcast Turns Out I’m Into It – available everywhere you listen to podcasts!

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