What You Need to Know
Before we begin working together, it’s important to make sure we’re on the same page. This agreement outlines what you can expect from our coaching sessions, including confidentiality, session details, and your responsibilities. It’s designed to create a safe, respectful, and empowering space for your personal growth.
Upon agreeing to work with me, you will be asked to read the following agreement and confirm that you understand and agree to the terms. Take a moment to read through it, and if you have any questions, I’m happy to help!
Client Agreement
What to Expect in Sessions
My coaching is all about helping you explore your relationships and intimacy in a way that feels right for you. I take a somatic (body-based) approach, meaning we’ll focus on how your body responds to different experiences. Sometimes, our sessions might include exploring emotions, touch, and connection to help you better understand yourself. Some sessions may also involve the exchange of erotic energy, which means creating a space where you can safely explore your desires, arousal, and bodily responses in a way that promotes deeper self-awareness. This is always done within professional boundaries, with your full consent, and at your own pace. You are always in control, and you can say “stop” or “pause” at any moment.
Coaching vs. Therapy
It’s important to know that I’m here to support you, but I’m not a licensed therapist. Our work is about coaching and personal growth, not medical or psychological treatment. Coaching is not a substitute for therapy, and if you need support beyond what I offer, I’m happy to help guide you to the right resources. In fact, it can be really beneficial to work with me alongside a therapist, and I encourage you to do so if that feels right for you.
Session Details & Fees
Sessions are 60 minutes and cost $90 AUD. This rate will increase once I become certified and may continue to increase in the future, but I’ll always let you know in advance.
Payment is due when you book your session, and I accept online payments only.
Cancellations & Running Late
Life happens! If you need to reschedule, please let me know at least 4 hours before your session.
If you’re more than 15 minutes late, we’ll need to cancel the session, and it won’t be refundable.
If I ever need to cancel, I’ll do my best to give you plenty of notice and offer to reschedule or refund you.
Getting in Touch
You’re welcome to email or message me for things like scheduling. If you have coaching-related questions, feel free to email me, but please keep in mind that my responses will be brief as it’s better to discuss these topics in our sessions where I can give you my full attention.
If you ever have an emergency, please call 000 for immediate help.
Your privacy is super important to me. I do keep notes which are password protected and do not include your name or identifying details. Where appropriate, I may discuss details of your case with other practitioners to seek advice on the best way to coach you, but I will never disclose your name or any identifying details.
Your Well-being
By signing this agreement, you’re confirming that you feel mentally and physically ready to take part in coaching. If anything changes with your health, you agree to let me know.
Taking Responsibility
Our sessions are a space for exploration and growth, but I need you to take care of your boundaries and let me know if something feels off. I can’t read minds, so open communication is key to making this work for you.
Assumption of Risk; Limitation of Liability
Coaching is about exploring new things, and there might be some risks involved. I’ll always do my best to support you, but I can’t guarantee specific results. My advice is based on my knowledge and experience, but I can’t predict how things will turn out for you. Your choices and actions are always your responsibility. By signing this agreement, you agree not to hold me responsible for any unexpected challenges, harm, or loss that may happen during or outside our sessions.
Ending Our Work Together
You’re free to stop coaching at any time, and I am too. If you’d like to switch to a different kind of support, I’ll do my best to help you find the right person.
Thank You!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read through this agreement. I’m really excited to work with you! If you haven’t already booked your first session, you can do so by clicking here.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Harley xx